Wednesday, June 14, 2017

“CLEMENT BISHOP SERVANT OF THE SERVANTS OF GOD FOR PERPETUAL REMEMBRANCE. Raised despite Our inadequacy to the formidable height of pontificate without the support of any conceit deriving from Our own merits but only by the benevolence of ever-merciful God who chooses the humblest instruments in this world without rest or pause We wanted to contemplate in Our heart while asking Ourself how We can valiantly bear such a burden and fulfill somewhat successfully such a great task likely to frighten angels themselves but lightened by the divine breath of the Holy Spirit with its seven gifts. While attentively considering the achievements of Our predecessors with respect to the propagation of the Catholic faith achievements accomplished by the whole world and marked by the seal of eternity We continue to beseech God so that these glorious illustrations of the Christian name do not just remain for Us the object of futile veneration but rather that they among other things make Us turn to effective imitation so that We are not satisfied with the divine glory of these exploits which a holy emulation presses Us not only to accomplish but to augment.
While We were contemplating these thoughts We were very pleased to learn from Our very dear son in Christ Louis very Christian King of France and Navarre that said King Louis with the help of God has acquired by force of arms and submitted to his empire several North American lands and islands and that he has given the name New France to these lands that are now under his authority and which he has honourably colonized by sending over from France people of remarkable education military value or piety;”  
Pope Clement X, “In Nomine Domini”, Bull of Pope Clement X erecting into a diocese the Vicariate Apostolic of New France , April 3, 1675

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