Let us not tire of praising so great a King and Lord, who has prepared for us a kingdom without end. St Teresa of Jesus of Avila The Book of Her Foundations - chapter 31 : 47
The purpose of this blog is to frequently quote saints,the bible and spiritual classics with little or no commentary
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
"Every soul, and especially the soul of every religious, should reflect My Mercy. My Heart overflows with compassion and mercy for all. The heart of My beloved must resemble Mine; from her heart must spring the fountain of My mercy for souls; otherwise I will not acknowledge her as Mine." WORDS OF JESUS TO ST. FAUSTINA. ( Diary, 1148)
“God, who wishes to dwell in us, can always be evicted by a single word of dismissal. And so it is important to consider the way to respond to God’s visitation – which we cannot prevent, but can cut short. The first necessity of our cooperation with God is the consciousness that it is He who is present; the will to know Him causes our recognition of His presence. If we lack this readiness to know Him, we are like those who smell and perceive no fragrance, taste and know no sweetness, touch and enjoy no ecstasy.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Lift Up Your Heart)
"Our Lord is hidden there, waiting for us to come and visit him and ask him or what we want. He is there, in the Sacrament of his love, sighing and interceding unceasingly for sinners before God his Father. He is there to console us ... See how good he is! He adapts himself to our
weakness... In heaven where we shall be triumphant and glorious, we shall see him in all his glory; if he had appeared before us now in glory, we should not have
dared to approach him; but he hides himself like one in prison, saying to us 'You do not see me, but that does not matter; ask me for all you want, and I will grant it you.'" - St. John Vianney.
weakness... In heaven where we shall be triumphant and glorious, we shall see him in all his glory; if he had appeared before us now in glory, we should not have
dared to approach him; but he hides himself like one in prison, saying to us 'You do not see me, but that does not matter; ask me for all you want, and I will grant it you.'" - St. John Vianney.
Monday, October 29, 2018
“The rosary, though clearly Marian in character, is at a heart a Christ-centered prayer. It has all the depth of the gospel message in its entirety. It is an echo of the prayer of Mary, her perennial Magnificat for the work of the redemptive Incarnation which began in her virginal womb…It can be said that the rosary is, in some sense, a prayer-commentary on the final chapter of the Vatican II Constitution Lumen Gentium, a chapter that discusses the wondrous presence of the Mother of God in the mystery of Christ and the Church” (Pope St. John Paul II, Apostolic Letter, Rosarium Virginis Mariae).
"At three o'clock, implore My mercy, especially for sinners; and, if only for a brief moment, immerse yourself in My Passion, particularly in My abandonment at the moment of agony. This is the hour of great mercy for the whole world. I will allow you to enter into My mortal sorrow. In this hour, I will refuse nothing to the soul that makes a request of Me in virtue of My Passion." WORDS OF JESUS TO ST . FAUSTINA. (Diary,1320)
“Why do I exist? That is a question very few ever ask themselves. They would not have a ten cent gadget in their homes for five minutes without knowing its purpose, but they will go through life without knowing why they are living. Until we answer that question there is no question worth answering; and the way we answer it determines our character in this world and our destiny in the next.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Sunday, October 28, 2018
“When Jesus wants to make me happy, He fills my heart with that spirit which is all fire, and speaks to me about His delights; but when He wants to be consoled, He speaks to me about His pains, and invites me in a manner that is both a request and a command, to offer my body to alleviate His sufferings.” St. Pio of Pietrelcina
“The air is full of plans, and of pacts and proposals. Every wind that blows through press and air carries patterns for new leagues, Federal Unions, Spheres of Influence, and Hemisphere Controls, each of which is spread out on the bargain counter of the world, and offered at a price so cheap as to require only a little manipulation of politics and economics-but never a change of heart. Are we not still suffering from a mental “hangover” from the days of liberalism and the doctrine of the natural goodness of men? Does not the enthusiastic and fulsome praise we give to every three-hundred-word generalization prove that all we think the world needs is a few structural changes?” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Seven Pillars of Peace)
Saturday, October 27, 2018
"And so, we will stand up every time that human life is threatened. When the sacredness of life before birth is attacked, we will stand up and proclaim that no one ever has the authority to destroy unborn life.
When a child is described as a burden or is looked upon only as a means to satisfy an emotional need, we will stand up and insist that every child is a unique and unrepeatable gift of God, with the right to a loving and united family...When the institution of marriage is abandoned to human selfishness or reduced to a temporary, conditional arrangement that can easily be terminated, we will stand up and affirm the indissolubility of the marriage bond.." Pope St. John Paul II
When a child is described as a burden or is looked upon only as a means to satisfy an emotional need, we will stand up and insist that every child is a unique and unrepeatable gift of God, with the right to a loving and united family...When the institution of marriage is abandoned to human selfishness or reduced to a temporary, conditional arrangement that can easily be terminated, we will stand up and affirm the indissolubility of the marriage bond.." Pope St. John Paul II
"Dear Christians, when it seems hard for you to renounce the world, to fight against sin, to return to God after sinning, to lead a Christian life and steadfastly walk in the paths of virtue; when trials frighten you, which no one is without; then think of the eternal reward which awaits you in Heaven."--St. John Vianney
"If you say the Rosary faithfully until death, I do assure you that, in spite of the gravity of your sins, you shall receive a never-fading crown of glory. For even if you are now on the brink of damnation, even if you have one foot in hell, even if you have sold your soul to the devil…sooner or later you will be converted and will amend your life and save your soul. If...you say the Rosary devoutly every day of your life." R- St. Louis Marie de Montfort
“Judging our fellow human beings is as perplexing as the perceiving of colors on a spinning top. When a person is at rest, or in a fixed state, we think we can very well judge his character. But when we see him in the whirl and motion of everyday life all his goodness and badness blur into indistinctness. There is so much goodness at one moment, badness at another, sin in one instance, virtue in another, sobriety at one point, excess in another, that it is well to leave the judgment to God.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Guide to Contentment)
Friday, October 26, 2018
"Dear Christians, when it seems hard for you to renounce the world, to fight against sin, to return to God after sinning, to lead a Christian life and steadfastly walk in the paths of virtue; when trials frighten you, which no one is without; then think of the eternal reward which awaits you in Heaven." - St. John Vianney
Pope Benedict IX, bull canonizing St. Simeon the Recluse, 1041 A.D.: “The ineffable authority of the Divine majesty always doing the ineffable, just as it is extolled wonderful in His saints, and so it is showed in their works, giving them virtue and fortitude to heal all manner of sickness and disease. [Latin: Divinae majestatis inenarrabilis auctoritas semper inenarrabilia faciens, sicut in sanctis suis mirabilis praedicatur, ita et operibus declaratur, dans eis virtutem et fortitudinem curare omnem languorem et omnem infirmitatem.]”
St. Philip Neri: “Once as I was in prayer, the souls of two saints now in glory, appeared to me, one of which seemed to be feeding upon a hard crust of bread, which he held in his hand; and I being desirous to know what pas meant hereby, I heard a Voice, which said, ‘Philip, the Will of God is that you live in the middle of the city, as if you were in a desert.’ By which words I understood I was to live soberly and temperately.” (Quoted by Fr. Francis Weninger his work “Lives of the Saints”, St. Philip Neri.)
Thursday, October 25, 2018
“Anxiety is one of the greatest traitors that real virtue and solid devotion can ever have. . .One must be careful of this on all occasions, particularly at prayer. And to better succeed it would be well to remember that the graces and consolations of prayer are not waters of this earth, but of Heaven. Therefore all our efforts are not sufficient to make them fall, even though it is necessary to prepare oneself with great diligence but always humbly and tranquilly.” St. Pio of Pietrelcina
"My daughter, have fear of nothing; I am always with you. All your adversaries will harm you only to the degree that I permit them to do so. You are my dwelling place and my constant repose. For your sake I will withhold the hand which punishes; for your sake I bless the earth." WORDS OF JESUS TO ST. FAUSTINA. (Diary 431)
“Intellectual knowledge is not the one thing necessary. Not all the PhD’s are saints, and all the ignorant are not demons. Indeed, a certain type of education may simply turn a man from a stupid egotist into a clever egotist and, of the two, the former has the better chance of salvation.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Lift Up Your Heart)
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
“We must not drift away from the humble works, because they are the works nobody will do. It is never too small. We are so small and we look at things in a small way. But God, being Almighty, sees everything great. Therefore, even if you write a letter for a blind man or you just go and listen, or you take the mail for him, or you visit somebody or bring a flower to somebody—small things—or wash clothes for somebody, clean the house—very humble work—that is where you and I must be. For there are many people who can do big things. But there are very few people who will do the small things." —St. Teresa of Calcutta
"Some people are so foolish that they think they can go through life without the help of the Blessed Mother. Love the Madonna and pray the rosary, for her Rosary is the weapon against the evils of the world today. All graces given by God pass through the Blessed Mother." St. Pio of Pietrelcina (1887-1968)
“The secret of it all is the rigid insistence by the Catholic instructors on a rigid philosophical training which is at the root of all intellectual progress. Only one conclusion can be drawn from these facts and that is the absolute superiority of the Catholic system of education which cares not for the frills and fads of which modern education is so fond, but insists on the deep fundamental principles which underlie great problems of our social, civic, religious and educational life.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
St. Louis de Montfort, letter to his uncle Fr. Alain Robert, Sept. 20th, 1694: “Whatever happens I shall not be worried. I have a Father in heaven who will never fail me. He brought me here, He has kept me here until now and He will continue to treat me with His usual kindness. Although I deserve only punishment for my sins, I never stop praying to Him and rely completely on His Providence.”
“Keep your eyes fixed on Him who is your guide to the heavenly country, where He is leading you. What does it matter to you whether Jesus wishes to guide you to Heaven by way of the desert or by the meadow, so long as He is always with you and you arrive at the possession of a blessed eternity? “. St. Pio of Pietrelcina
"...At three o'clock, implore My mercy, especially for sinners; and, if only for a brief moment, immerse yourself in My Passion, particularly in My abandonment at the moment of agony. This is the hour of great mercy for the whole world. I will allow you to enter into My mortal sorrow. In this hour, I will refuse nothing to the soul that makes a request of Me in virtue of My Passion.... WORDS OF JESUS TO ST. FAUSTINA. (Diary, 1320)
Monday, October 22, 2018
The sign of the Scapular points to an effective synthesis of Marian spirituality, which nourishes the devotion of believers and makes them sensitive to the Virgin Mother's loving presence in their lives. The Scapular is essentially a "habit". Those who receive it are associated more or less closely with the Order of Carmel and dedicate themselves to the service of Our Lady for the good of the whole Church. -St John Paul II. Message to the Carmelite Family 25 March 2001
"But I want to tell you that eternal life must begin already here on earth through Holy Communion. Each Holy Communion makes you more capable of communing with God throughout eternity." (1811) "It pains Me very much when religious souls receive the Sacrament of love merely out of habit, as if they did not distinguish this food. I find neither faith nor love in their hearts. I go to such souls with great reluctance. It would be better if they did not receive Me." (1288). WORDS OF JESUS TO ST. FAUSTINA
Pope St. Victor, Decretalia ad Episcopos Per Africam Constitutos: “Victor, archbishop of the city of the Church of Rome to all the Bishops throughout Africa, constituted in the Lord, salvation.
Truly the preordained reparation of mankind always remained immutably in the eternal plan of God, but the order of things through our Lord Jesus Christ in time assumed the commencement of things which are to be borne by the disposition of the Divine Word. Wherefore, it behooves you, brethren, to be of one mind and to lend a helping hand, therefore not to disagree in the right faith and in the divine mysteries, but to be agreed, for although you might be few in comparison with the wicked, if however you will be agreed, by the help of the Lord you will easily overcome those plotting against you. But if you disagree, God forbid, you shall be, not overcoming, but overcome.”
Sunday, October 21, 2018
“Immediately before and for a good while after my conversion, I was of the opinion that to lead a religious life meant one had to give up all that was secular and to live totally immersed in thoughts of the Divine. But gradually I realized that something else is asked of us in this world and that, even in the contemplative life, one may not sever the connection with the world. I even believe that the deeper one is drawn into God, the more one must ‘go out of oneself’, that is, one must go to the world in order to carry the divine life into it.” —Saint Edith Stein
“It is not the man who is responsible for the offerings as they become Christ’s body and blood; it is Christ Himself who was crucified for us. The standing figure belongs to the priest who speaks these words. The power and the grace belong to God. ‘This is My body,’ he says. And these words transform the offerings.” — St. John Chrysostom
“Every person is a precious mystery. An individual cannot be weighed by public opinion; he cannot be measured by his conditionings; he belongs to no one but himself, and no creature in all the world can penetrate his mystery except the God who made him. The dignity of every person is beyond our reckoning.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Lift Up Your Heart)
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Secretary of My most profound mystery, know that yours is an exclusive intimacy with Me. Your task is to write down everything that I make known to you about My mercy, for the benefit of those who by reading these things will be comforted in their souls and will have the courage to approach Me WORDS OF JESUS TO ST. FAUSTINA. (Diary 1693)
“Once evil has come into the world, death is seen as a kind of blessing, for if there was no death, evil could go on forever. That is why God stationed an angel with a flaming sword at the Gate of Paradise, lest fallen man, eating of the tree of immortality, should immortalize his evil. But, because of death, evil cannot carry on its wickedness indefinitely.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Peace of Soul)
Friday, October 19, 2018
“That bread which you see on the altar, consecrated by the word of God, is the body of Christ. That chalice, or rather, what the chalice holds, consecrated by the word of God, is the blood of Christ. Through those elements the Lord wished to entrust to us His body and the blood which He poured out for the remission of sins. If you have received worthily, you are what you have received.” — St. Augustine of Hippo
Jesus is commanding me to make a novena before the Feast of Mercy, and today I am to begin it for the conversion of the whole world and for the recognition of The Divine Mercy..."so that every soul will praise My goodness. I desire trust from My creatures. Encourage souls to place great trust in My fathomless mercy. Let the weak, sinful soul have no fear to approach Me, for even if it had more sins than there are grains of sand in the world, all would be drowned in the unmeasurable depths of My mercy". WORDS OF JESUS TO ST. FAUSTINA. (Diary No.1057)
“In the first place, I want you to know that Jesus needs someone to mourn with Him for human wickedness. This is why he leads me along the sorrowful paths. But blessed be His charity forever. He knows how to combine the bitter with the sweet and convert the fleeting pains of this life into eternal happiness.” St. Pio of Pietrlcina
“The envious never know that their criticism of others is vicarious self-criticism. The man who accuses another of infidelity, jealousy or pride is generally guilty of those sins himself. Thus he projects to others his own faults and is judged in his judgment of others.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Love One Another)
Thursday, October 18, 2018
“The most honest of those who appear on radio or television, as regards to their material, are the comedians. At the end of every program, regardless of who the comedian is, there will always be found listed the names of his writers. The comedians admit, though they speak the humorous lines, that they actually are indebted to others for putting them in their mouths. One never sees on a television screen at the end of a program given by a politician the names of the one who wrote his speech. Here we pay tribute to the four writers who have given us the greatest inspiration: 1. A Collector of internal revenue 2. A reporter 3. A physician 4. An official in a fishing company. These four writers are perhaps better known as Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Though none of them has written the material that is used in our books, they nevertheless have given us the philosophy and theology behind all that we write.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Thinking Life Through)
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
As I took the pen in hand, I addressed a short prayer to the Holy Spirit and said, “Jesus, bless this pen so that everything You order me to write may be for the glory of God.” Then I heard a voice: Yes, I bless [it], because this writing bears the seal of obedience to your superior and confessor, and by that very fact I am already given glory, and many souls will be drawing profit from it. My daughter, I demand that you devote all your free moments to writing about My goodness and mercy. It is your office and your assignment throughout your life to continue to make known to souls the great mercy I have for them and to exhort them to trust in My bottomless mercy WORDS OF JESUS TO ST FAUSTINA. W(Diary, 1567).
“O Holy Mary! My Mother; into thy blessed trust and special custody, and into the bosom of thy mercy, I this day, and every day, and in the hour of my death, commend my soul and body. To thee I commit all my anxieties and sorrows, my life and the end of my life, that by thy most holy intercession, and by thy merits, all my actions may be directed and governed by thy will and that of thy Son.” - St. Aloysius Gonzaga
“The temptations of the saints were seen as opportunities for self¬-discovery. They allowed temptations to show them the breaches in the fortress of their souls, which needed to be fortified until they would become the strongest points. This explains the curious fact about many saintly people-that they often become the opposite of what they once seemed to be.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Lift Up Y our Heart)
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
“The purpose of marriage is to help married people sanctify themselves and others. For this reason they receive a special grace in the sacrament which Jesus Christ instituted. Those who are called to the married state will, with the grace of God, find within their state everything they need to be holy, to identify themselves each day more with Jesus Christ, and to lead those with whom they live to God.” (St. Josemaría Escrivá, Conversations, 91)
Once the Lord said to me, My Heart was moved by great mercy towards you, My dearest child, when I saw you torn to shreds because of the great pain you suffered in repenting for your sins. I see your love, so pure and true that I give you first place among the virgins. You are the honor and glory of My Passion. I see every abasement of your soul, and nothing escapes my attention. I lift up the humble even to my very throne, because I want it so. WORDS OF JESUS TO ST. FAUSTINA. (Diary, 282)
“The Church believes that a holy hour spent before the Blessed Sacrament does more good for the well-being of the world than whole days spent in talking about progress to the utter oblivion of the fact that the only true progress consists in the diminution of the traces of original sin; she believes that an increase of sanctifying grace in a soul is of far more value than the increase of international credit; that a group of cloistered nuns in prayer are more effective in preserving world peace than a group of world politicians discussing peace.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Manifestations of Christ)
Monday, October 15, 2018
St. Charles Borromeo: “One who begins every day his life knowing himself to be in the presence of God must always make progress in God’s service.” (Quoted by Mary E. Mannix in “Illustrated Lives of Patron Saints for Boys”, Benzinger Brothers, Inc., Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur, 1905., “St. Charles Borromeo” pg. 12.)
"Cheer may be natural, in which case it springs from an inborn vitality and zest for living. But there is another kind of cheerfulness which is Divine in origin. Saint Paul bade others to have it as believing in God. This kind of cheerfulness is found in Francis of Assisi, who expressed the joy of grace to his soul by song. Teresa of Avila who lived a life of great penance, was want to pour out her joy in that inner world of spirituality by clapping her hands and dancing in the Spanish style. In the history of the world there never has been a sad saint, because sanctity and sadness are opposites." Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Simple Truths)
Sunday, October 14, 2018
''We know that the Word assumed a body from a virgin, and through a new creation, put on our old nature. We know that He was a man, formed from the same substance as we are. IF HE WERE NOT OF THE SAME NATURE AS OURSELVES, HIS COMMAND TO IMITATE HIM AS A MASTER WOULD BE A FUTILE ONE.'' St. Hippolytus, born 170 A.D.— died 235 A.D.
“My daughter, do you think you have written enough about my mercy? What you have written is but a drop compared to the ocean. I am Love and Mercy Itself. There is no misery that could be a match for My mercy, neither will misery exhaust it, because as it is being granted – it increases. The soul that trusts in My mercy is most fortunate, because I Myself take care of it.’” WORDS OF JESUS TO ST. FAUSTINA. (Diary, 1273)
“As all men are touched by God’s love, so all are also touched by the desire for His intimacy. No one escapes this longing; we are all kings in exile, miserable without the Infinite. Those who reject the grace of God have a desire to avoid God, as those who accept it have a desire for God. The modern atheist does not disbelieve because of his intellect, but because of his will; it is not knowledge that makes him an atheist…The denial of God springs from a man’s desire not to have a God—from his wish that there were no Justice behind the universe, so that his injustices would fear not retribution; from his desire that there be no Law, so that he may not be judged by it; from his wish that there were no Absolute Goodness, that he might go on sinning with impunity. That is why the modern atheist is always angered when he hears anything said about God and religion—he would be incapable of such a resentment if God were only a myth. His feeling toward God is the same as that which a wicked man has for one whom he has wronged: he wishes he were dead so that he could do nothing to avenge the wrong. The betrayer of friendship knows his friend exists, but he wished he did not; the post-Christian atheist knows God exists, but he desires He should not.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Peace of Soul)
Saturday, October 13, 2018
"When a soul sees and realises the gravity of it sins, when the whole abyss of the misery into which it immersed itself is displayed before its eyes, let it not despair, but with trust let it throw itself into the arms of My mercy, as a child into the arms of its beloved mother. These souls have a right of priority to My compassionate Heart, they have first access to My mercy". WORDS OF JESUS YO ST. FAUSTINA. (Diary,1541)
On Oct. 13th, 1917, Our Lady of Fatima asked the three children to continue to pray the Rosary daily and prophesied the end of the World War. After responding to a request for the conversion and healing of certain persons Our Lady, looking sad, said: “Do not offend the Lord Our God any more, because He is already so much offended.”
“You might say that it was very unjust of God to deprive us of friendship with Him, and of these other gifts, simply because Adam sinned. There would have been injustice if God deprived you of your due, but you are no more entitled to be a child of God than a razor has a right to bloom, or a rose has the right to bark, or a dog has the right to quote Dante. What Adam lost was gifts, not a heritage. On Christmas Day, when you distribute gifts to your friends, would I have a right to say to you: Why do you not give me a gift? You would answer: I am not doing you an injustice, because I owe you nothing. I am not obliged to give these gifts to my friends. If I had not given them gifts, I would not have deprived them of anything I owed them, So, neither did God owe us anything beyond our nature as a creature of his handiwork.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Preface to Religion)
Friday, October 12, 2018
"The Western World puts a far greater emphasis on freedom than the Eastern World. Our Western concept of liberty has its roots in two master ideas: one, the fact that man has a soul; and the other, that man has the right to own private property. Both these ideas are related one to the other. Man is free on the inside because he can call his soul his own; he is free on the outside because he can call property his own. Property is the economic guarantee of human freedom as the soul is its spiritual guarantee of liberty." Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Thursday, October 11, 2018
“Those who give themselves to prayer should in a special manner have always a devotion to St. Joseph; for I know not how any man can think of the Queen of the angels, during the time that she suffered so much with the Infant Jesus, without giving thanks to St. Joseph for the services he rendered them then." -St. Teresa of Avila
Apostle of My mercy, proclaim to the whole world My unfathomable mercy. Do not be discouraged by the difficulties you encounter in proclaiming My mercy. These difficulties that affect you so painfully are needed for your sanctification and as evidence that this work is Mine. WORDS OF JESUS TO ST. FAUSTINA. (Diary 1142)
“Let us therefore, love to quench our thirst at this fountain of living water and go forward all the time along the way of divine love. But let us also be convinced that our souls will never be satisfied here below. In fact it would be disastrous for us if, at a certain stage of our journey, we were to feel satisfied, for it would be a sign that we thought we had reached our goal, and in this we would be deceived.” St. Pio of Pietrelcina
"We must be tolerant to the erring, because ignorance may have led them astray; but we must be intolerant to the error, because Truth is not our making, but God’s. And hence the Church in her history, due reparation made, has always welcomed the heretic back into the treasury of her souls, but never his heresy into the treasury of her wisdom.” Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. - Moods and Truths
“A person cannot overcome the passions on his own. This is the work of the right hand of the Most High, the action of the power of God. On our part we have only to preserve intact the holy disposition given us by God, and, in keeping with it, offer our efforts to attain the land of passionlessness.” St. Leonid of Optina
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
“Why should we turn the other cheek? Because hate multiples like a seed. If one preaches hate and violence to ten men in a row, and tells the first to strike the second, and the second to strike the third, the hatred will envelop all ten. The only way to stop this hate is for one man to turn his other cheek. Then the hatred ends. It is never passed on. Absorb violence for the sake of the Savior, who will absorb sin and die for it. The Christian law is that the innocent shall suffer for the guilty. Thus Jesus would have us do away with adversaries, because when no resistance is offered, the adversary is conquered by a superior moral power.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Life of Christ)
“Yet there has been one infinitely tragic and destructive departure from those American ideals in recent memory. It was this Court’s own decision in Roe v. Wade—1973—to exclude the unborn child from the human family. You ruled that a mother, in consultation with her doctor, has broad discretion, guaranteed against infringement by the United States Constitution, to choose to destroy her unborn child.” (Saint Teresa of Calcutta, Amicus Brief filed before the U.S. Supreme Court, 1994 )
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
"Prayer is a repose, a relaxation. One must come in total simplicity to the One whom one loves, holding oneself near to Him as a small child in its mother’s arms, allowing one’s heart to go out ... there is only one occupation for a Carmelite and that is to love and to pray." St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
From all My wounds, like from streams, mercy flows for souls, but the wound in My Heart is the fountain of unfathomable mercy. From this fountain spring all graces for souls. The flames of compassion burn Me. I desire greatly to pour them out upon souls. Speak to the whole world about My mercy. WORDS OF JESUS TO ST. FAUSTINA. (Diary 1190)
“He who refuses to forgive others breaks down the bridge over which he himself must pass, for everyone has need to be forgiven. The Divine Law is that only those who forgive will be forgiven. It is much easier to forgive the weak who have injured us or those who are beneath us in dignity than it is to forgive the powerful or the better or the nobler whom we have injured. IN this truth is hidden the explanation of why the Divine who came to bring forgiveness to humans was crucified at the moment of greatest forgiveness. Though the Divine forgiveness comes to those who forgive, nevertheless, some say ‘I cannot forgive myself.’ As Cardinal Newman answered: ‘No true penitent forgets or forgives himself; an unforgiving spirit towards himself is the very price of God’s forgiving him.’ Of course, no person can forgive himself. He can only be forgiven by Him whom he has injured.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Walk With God)
“The powers of hell will assail the dying Christian; but his angel guardian will come to console him. His patrons, and St. Michael, who has been appointed by God to defend his faithful servants in their last combat with the devils, will come to his aid.” (Saint Alphonsus Maria de’ Liguori, Bishop and Doctor of the Church)
Monday, October 8, 2018
“Consider frequently and earnestly the approaching day of judgment, and the eternalfire of hell.”
—St. Ambrose. Religious Founder
(Quoted in “Lives of the Saints, Compiled from Authentic Sources with a Practical Instruction on the Life of Each Saint, for Every Day in the Year” by Fr. Francis Xavier Weninger, Vol. II, Permissu Superiorum, Pub. O' Shea Publisher, New York, 1876. pg. 411.)
—St. Ambrose. Religious Founder
(Quoted in “Lives of the Saints, Compiled from Authentic Sources with a Practical Instruction on the Life of Each Saint, for Every Day in the Year” by Fr. Francis Xavier Weninger, Vol. II, Permissu Superiorum, Pub. O' Shea Publisher, New York, 1876. pg. 411.)
A certain monk told me that when he was very sick, his mother said to his father, "How our little boy is suffering. I would gladly give myself to be cut up into pieces if that would ease his suffering." Such is the love of God for people. He pitied people so much that he wanted to suffer for them, like their own mother, and even more. But no one can understand this great love without the grace of the Holy Spirit. (St. Silouan the Athonite, Writings, IX.10)d
"We who belong to Him …should be completely identified with Him, we ought to be able to repeat those words at the close of each day. You will ask me perhaps how we are to glorify Him. It is very simple, and He told us the secret when He said, ‘My will is to do the will of Him who sent Me’.
So cling closely to the will of this adorable Master. Look upon everything, every suffering and every joy, as coming straight from Him and your life will be a continual communion since everything will be, as it were, a sacrament which gives you God — and that is really true, for God is not divided. His will is Himself. He is wholly and entirely in everything and these things are, in a way, but an emanation of His love." St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
So cling closely to the will of this adorable Master. Look upon everything, every suffering and every joy, as coming straight from Him and your life will be a continual communion since everything will be, as it were, a sacrament which gives you God — and that is really true, for God is not divided. His will is Himself. He is wholly and entirely in everything and these things are, in a way, but an emanation of His love." St. Elizabeth of the Trinity
Sunday, October 7, 2018
“The Rosary is the book of the blind, where souls see and there enact the greatest drama of love the world has ever known; it is the book of the simple, which initiates them into mysteries and knowledge more satisfying than the education of other men; it is the book of the aged, whose eyes close upon the shadow of this world, and open on the substance of the next. The power of the Rosary is beyond description.” - Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
St. Alphonsus de Liguori, The Glories of Mary: “It is well known that the palm is the emblem of victory, and for this reason our queen has been placed on a high throne in the sight of all potentates, as a palm, the sign of certain victory, which all can promise themselves who have recourse to her. ‘I was exalted like a palm-tree in Cades.’” (Eccli. xxiv. 18.)
Feast of Our Lady of Victory
Pope Leo XIII, AUGUSTISSIMAE VIRGINIS MARIAE (On the Confraternity of the Rosary), September 12, 1897: “The history of the Church bears testimony to the power and efficacy of this form of prayer [public], recording as it does the rout of the Turkish forces at the naval battle of Lepanto, and the victories gained over the same in the last century at Temesvar in Hungary and in the island of Corfu. Our predecessor, Gregory XIII., in order to perpetuate the memory of the first-named victory, established the feast of Our Lady of Victories, which later on Clement XI. distinguished by the title of Rosary Sunday and commanded to be celebrated throughout the universal Church.”
Apostle of My mercy, proclaim to the whole world My unfathomable mercy. Do not be discouraged by the difficulties you encounter in proclaiming My mercy. These difficulties that affect you so painfully are needed for your sanctification and as evidence that this work is Mine. WORDS OF JESUS TO ST. FAUSTINA. (Diary 1142)
“Ours is not an age in which the heavenly therapy of prayer-by-beads is generally used. One of the reasons why people today are so frequently worried and fearful is that they keep their minds too busy and their fingers too idle, or else tap a jerking syncopations to the noises of a nervous world. The Rosary, by contrast, gathers together our dispersed forces and fixes our minds on holy, simple thoughts, while the fingers, too are drawn into the magnetic field of worship. Because it focuses the whole man towards a single, uplifting purpose, the Rosary can be the greatest of all therapies for troubled modern men. A faint suspicion of this fact has begun to penetrate into some hospitals. Nervous and combat-fatigued patients are taught to knit or weave, to relax their nervous tension. The disadvantage of this treatment is that it is only partial; the patient’s mind is not involved. But in the Rosary, all faculties, mind, will, imagination, memory, desires, hopes and muscles, are directed to the Divine.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (The Fifteen Mysteries)
Saturday, October 6, 2018
“All love tends to become like that which it loves. God loved man; therefore He became man. For nine months her own body was the natural Eucharist, in which God shared communion with human life, thus preparing for that greater Eucharist when human life would commune with the Divine. Mary’s joy was to form Christ in her own body; her joy now is to form Christ in our souls. In this Mystery, we pray to become pregnant with the Christ spirit, giving Him new lips with which He may speak of His Father, new hands with which He may feed the poor, and a new heart with which He may love everyone, even enemies.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (The Fifteen Mysteries of the Rosary)
Friday, October 5, 2018
St. John Chrysostom: “As the earth can produce nothing without the rain, nor the rain without the earth,” he wrote, “so neither can grace do anything without the will, nor the will without grace.” (Quoted by Rev. Edward F. Murphy, S.S.J. in “HAND CLASPS WITH THE HOLY”, pub. by The Society of the Divine Savior (1944) Imprimi Potest, Nihil Obstate, and Imprimatur 1941., pg. 17)
"My daughter, write that the greater the misery of a soul, the greater its right to My mercy; urge all souls to trust in the unfathomable abyss of My mercy, because I want to save them all. On the cross, the fountain of My mercy was opened wide by the lance for all souls – no one have I excluded!" WORDS OF JESUS TO ST. FAUSTNA. (Diary,1182)
“Outer truths had such primacy that Christ was abandoned. As the Church drops certain practices and ideals, the world picks them up and secularizes them. As the rosary is dropped, hippies put them around their necks; as nuns drop the long habits, girls put on maxi coats; as mysticism is forgotten, youths go in for psychedelic experiences; as Christ is dropped, the theater restores Him as superstar.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Those Mysterious Priests)
Thursday, October 4, 2018
“On hearing of the destruction of the destruction of five of his missionaries by the Emir, Abu-Jacub, who clove their skulls with his own scimitar, [St.] Francis [of Assisi] exulted: ‘Now I can truly claim to have five real Friars Minor.’” (Quoted by Rev. Edward F. Murphy, S.S.J. in “HAND CLASPS WITH THE HOLY”, pub. by The Society of the Divine Savior (1944) Imprimi Potest, Nihil Obstate, and Imprimatur 1941, pg. 55.)
Pope Leo XIII, AUSPICATO CONCESSUM, September 17, 1882: “A happy circumstance enables the Christian world to celebrate, at a not far distant interval, the memory of two men who, having been called to receive in heaven the eternal reward of their holiness, have left on earth a crowd of disciples, the ever-increasing off-spring from their virtues. For, after the centenary solemnities in honor of St. Benedict, the father and lawgiver of the monks of the West, the opportunity of paying public honors to St. Francis of Assisi will likewise be furnished by the seventh centenary of his birth. ...We have been accustomed from Our youth to admire Francis of Assisi and to pay him a particular veneration; because We glory in being on the roll of the Franciscan family; and because, more than once, We have, out of devotion, climbed with eagerness and joy the sacred heights of Alvernia; there the image of that great man presented itself to Us wherever We trod, and that solitude teeming with memories held Our spirit rapt in silent contemplation. ...For these reasons it has been long and specially Our desire that everyone should, to the utmost of his power, aim at imitating St. Francis of Assisi; therefore, as hitherto We have always bestowed special care upon the Third Order of St. Francis, so now, being called by the supreme mercy of God to the office of Sovereign Pontiff since thereby We can most opportunely do the same, We exhort Christian men not to refuse to enroll themselves in this sacred army of Jesus Christ. Many are those who everywhere of both sexes have already begun to walk in the footsteps of the Seraphic Father with courage and alacrity, whose zeal We praise and specially commend, so that, Venerable Brethren, We desire that by your endeavors especially it may be increased and extended to many. And the special point which We commend is that those who have adopted the insignia of Penance shall look to the image of its most holy founder, and strive to imitate him, without which the good that they would expect would be futile. Therefore take pains that the people may become acquainted with the Third Order and truly esteem it; provide that those who have the cure of souls sedulously teach what it is, how easily anyone may enter it, with how great privileges tending to salvation it abounds, what advantages, public and private, it promises; and in so doing all the more pains are to be taken because the Franciscans of the First and Second Order, having been struck recently with a heavy blow, are in a most piteous condition. God grant that they, defended by the patronage of their Father, may emerge, youthful and flourishing, from so many disasters; may he also grant that Christian people may tend towards the discipline of the Third Order with the same alacrity and the same numbers as formerly from all parts they threw themselves into the arms of St. Francis himself with a holy emulation.”
On a certain occasion, the Lord said to me,"I am more deeply wounded by the small imperfections of chosen souls than by the sins of those living in the world".It made me very sad that chosen souls make Jesus suffer, and Jesus told me,"These little imperfections are not all. I will reveal to you a secret of My Heart: what I suffer from chosen souls. Ingratitude in return for so many graces is My Heart's constant food, on the part of a chosen soul. Their love is lukewarm, and My Heart cannot bear it; these souls force Me to reject them. Others distrust My goodness and have no desire to experience that sweet intimacy in their own hearts, but go in search of Me, off in the distance, and do not find Me. This distrust of My goodness hurts Me very much. If My death has not convinced you of My love, what will? Often a soul wounds Me mortally, and then no one can comfort Me. They use My graces to offend Me. There are souls who despise My graces as well as all the proofs of My love. They do not wish to hear My call, but proceed into the abyss of hell. The loss of these souls plunges Me into deadly sorrow. God though I am, I cannot help such a soul because it scorns Me; having a free will, it can spurn Me or love Me. You, who are the dispenser of My mercy, tell all the world about My goodness, and thus you will comfort My Heart". WORDS OF JESUS TO ST. FAUSTINA
(Diary No. 580)
(Diary No. 580)
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